
This whole entire blog is to prove that drugs shouldn’t be legalized, due to the facts that drugs are harmful and adding harm to the United States is not what needs to be happening. The United States is at the top of all the countries, we have the best military the best economy, the best of everything; how much longer will the United States stay at the top? The answer to that is not completely important in this post, but drugs will certainly help the United States drop in rank. Drugs didn’t get the United States this far in the world so, why should we legalize drugs? Just so we can have our country go to crap? According to Case Law for Cops, “The great  country of the United States of America is already losing its position in  the world due to poor fiscal management, failing schools, over taxation and  regulation, and too many people taking too much from the government and not  contributing back, (Ted Belling).

Throughout all my posts, I have taken just about every argument I could find on the internet and turned it into a reason why not to legalize drugs. Any argument can be turned into a pro or con it just depends how familiar the subject is to a person. Drugs will always be an argument, no matter what. If they are legalized there will be people fighting to get it unlegalized, if it’s not legalized there will be people who will want to get it legalized. It’s just like any other debatable argument, people have their opinions on drugs and some people will do whatever is needed to get what they want, but why do people want drugs to be legalized so badly? That I don’t fully understand because any person can get drugs even a kid could probably get drugs, if they really wanted. So, if people can get the drugs and people can use the drugs why should we legalize it? Are people afraid of getting caught and going to jail? If so, its more likely that a person would be put into treatment, rather than jail. Treatment is way better than jail time at least, I think it is. Even if a person is scared of getting caught, don’t be stupid about your drugs. Common sense, don’t make what you don’t want anyone to know about, noticeable. If people were more careful with their habits, maybe they wouldn’t have to be afraid of getting caught.

People think legalizing drugs is going to help every individual person that does drugs; it wont necessarily, by legalizing drugs all the big drug dealers, the mafia, or people on the black market, legalization is going to help them the most. They can continue their drug related crimes and drug deals and continue making millions of dollars. Just because drugs are legal, doesn’t mean the big dealers are going to crash because the United States will only sell what they think will be good enough for the people and the big dealers will have the “good stuff”, so to speak. Therefore, more people will go to them, instead of what the country will sell to the citizens.

These are my opinions about drugs, I think people should, “do what they feel is necessary and good for them,” even if that is by doing drugs or not doing drugs. But don’t drag the United States into individual people’s selfish habits.

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